Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Law Written Inside Us

In life there are things we learn and things we seem to just know. One of those things we seem to just no is that "lying is bad". Lying shows poor character and will cause others around you to lose trust in you and think lowly of you. Lying may get you out of temporary trouble, but in the end it could kill you or cost you your career. This seems to be the problem that Kym Worthy is trying to make, that Kwame is one of these people.

This quote contains good examples of logos and pathos. "Even children understand that lying is wrong. If a witness lies, innocent people can go to jail or prison, people can literally get away with murder, civil litigants who deserve money may not get it or may get money they don’t deserve. And lying cannot be tolerated even if a judge or jury sees through it. We ask witnesses to come in and risk their lives in drive-by shooting cases and then return to the neighborhoods they came from; we ask witnesses to testify against multi-national corporations; we ask witnesses to do all kinds of things to support our cases. How can we look another witness in the eye and ask them to come in and do these things if we do not follow the law for witnesses who lie under oath – even if they are parties to lawsuits – and demand that these witnesses follow the law and give truthful testimony?"

The logos part of this quote should be fairly obvious, lying is bad and that "Even children understand that lying is wrong." If Kwame would have just told the truth at least he wouldn't have been known as a lier on top of everything else. Unfortunatly, he did what most people do, lie and hope it goes away. Sadly, that's not how it works here on the planet earth, here; you pay for your actions and accept the consequences for those actions. Like the logos portion, the pathos part stands out as well, "If a witness lies, innocent people can go to jail or prison, people can literally get away with murder, and civil litigants who deserve money may not get it or may get money they don’t deserve. And lying cannot be tolerated even if a judge or jury sees through it.
We ask witnesses to come in and risk their lives in drive-by shooting cases and then return to the neighborhoods they came from; we ask witnesses to testify against multi-national corporations; we ask witnesses to do all kinds of things to support our cases." Most of this quote appeals to pathos. Kym reaches out to the audience and touches them by stating that when people lie is causes pain and suffering in another innocent person's life. She also talks about how wittnesses can be put in danger with lies. The point she is trying to make is that in all cases, for the good of all people and if you have any character or morality whatsoever, tell the truth, you might just take an innocent person off the list of suspects.

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