Thursday, January 31, 2008

Who says that?

This article by Larry Elder is mostly about the liberal's extreme hate of conservatives, particularly, the current president. Larry has a conversation with a very interesting individual about some of the things the president "did". The man was convinced that Bush was the mastermind behind 9/11 and that he did it to kill black people. What the man didn't know, was that most of people killed were white. However, he refused to give up and rambled on that "They were in the way." The man clearly did not know what he was talking about.

I believe the main point that Larry is trying to get at here is that liberals (no offence) express extreme hatred to conservatives. They gave Saddam Hussein a higher rating than Bush on the "temperature scale". I agree with Larry that liberals, at least in this case show some ruthless hatred towards conservatives. It is hard to believe that some of these people actually believe the president is out to get them and is a mass murderer. Well, at least Larry can defend himself, and he does a pretty good job at it too.

One of the most noticeable ways that he mocks liberals is by throwing out their own comebacks before they even say them. He even shows why it's wrong with proof, so they can't even use it against him. "Explain to me why people like Bush and Cheney run for public office in order to commit murder." "Because that's what they do." "For what reason? To get rich?" I asked. "They already were." I found this quit amusing, this guy obviously didn't know what he was talking about and Larry made that crystal clear. He puts out the liberal's excuse and shoots it down before the guy even has a chance to defend it, that's skill, and for on the spot thinking, impressive. Not only did he shoot down the question, he made the guy look like a complete idiot because he didn't have any proof. He never gave one example with adequate evidence. "How do you get up in the morning thinking that somebody in Washington, D.C., wants to murder you?" He couldn't even answer that question, so how could he possibly know what he's talking about? Basically, the guy was talking out of opinion and decided since he didn't like Bush, he was going to blame the end of the world on him. Larry Elder is truly quite skillful in the art of "they say" "I say".

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