Thursday, November 15, 2007

Assigment #1 Let Imus Speak

I must say that I certainly one-hundred percent agree with Stiller. True, the remarks that Imus made were very rude, but when I looked at Stillers other examples of this and how those people went unpunished for their remarks,I was deeply moved.

Obviously the example that stands out the most is the O' Reilly case. "Bill O’Reilly was unrepentant and unpunished for suggesting that African-Americans eating peacefully in a restaurant was an extraordinary event." That statement is so outright unnecessary and rude, I'm surprised it was not taken as an act of extreme prejudice or raceism and that O' Reilly wasn't punished for his actions. Judging by this example, it makes no sence as to why Imus was taken off the air and why O' Reilly can get away unpunished for his remarks. Also taking into consideration the first amendment, why was Imus punished for this anyway, we have the freedom of speech in this country dont we? At least Imus apologized and took responsibility for his actions, O'Reilly never did that. He just said what he wanted to say, and appearantly no one even thought twice about it. If someone is going to be punished for unnecessary speech, shouldn't authority at least in this matter make sure that anyone who uses this kind of language be punished? Is there no justice is this country? Cleary this is an act of hypocrisy and whoever has the power to make decisions like taking people off the air, better make sure that people like O' Reilly dont go unpunished for their deeds either. Bottom line, Imus is innocent.

With that I rest my case, if the voice of O'Reilly is to be heard, then certainly the voice of Imus is to be heard as well. Imus should have never been silenced in the first place...let him speak.

1 comment:

MartyP said...

josh I do believe you are correct about O'Reilly not being punished. He was definately wrong in his actions and deserved to be punished more than Imus. However I do not believe Imus is innocent. He also said some very rude things and deserved to be punished. He was rightfully punished and is also rightfully returning to the air. We do still await the day that life is fair.